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Adult & Adolescent Psychiatrist, ADHD Specialist & Couples Therapist located in Ann Arbor, MI

Anxiety services offered in Ann Arbor, MI

It’s normal to feel occasional periods of stress, tension, or fear. But if these feelings are starting to affect you regularly, especially during routine activities, schedule an evaluation with me, Dr. Steven Gotlib, at my practice, Steven L. Gotlib, MD, PC, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. These signs may indicate that you’re struggling with anxiety. Learn more about anxiety and treatment options by booking a consultation. Call to ask questions or request an appointment on the online form. 

What are the psychological causes of anxiety?

  • Negative thought patterns and beliefs: People with anxiety disorders often have negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves, the world, and the future. These thoughts can include fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of being judged.
  • Perfectionism: People with high standards for themselves and others can be prone to anxiety. Perfectionism can lead to feeling like you never measure up, leading to anxiety.
  • Learned behavior: Anxiety can be learned through observation or modeling. If a person grows up in an environment where they see others around them experiencing anxiety, they may learn to respond to certain situations with anxiety themselves.
  • Chronic stress: Chronic stress can cause changes in the brain that can lead to anxiety. Stressful events, such as losing a job, a loved one, or a home, can trigger anxiety disorders.
  • Trauma or abuse: Trauma or abuse can cause anxiety disorders. Traumatic events can include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or a natural disaster.

What are the non-psychological causes of anxiety?

  • Substance abuse: Certain drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines, can cause anxiety symptoms.
  • Brain chemistry: Imbalances in certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and GABA, may contribute to anxiety disorders.  These imbalances can be caused by psychological stress.
  • Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, thyroid problems, and diabetes, can also cause anxiety.
  • Genetics: Anxiety disorders tend to run in families, which suggests that there may be a genetic component to their development.

It's important to note that these causes aren't mutually exclusive, and multiple

causes can contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder.  I can help you identify the cause of your anxiety disorder and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What are the symptoms of anxiety?

Most people experience a sensation of butterflies in their stomach and increased heart rate if they ever have to speak in front of a crowd. With anxiety, this sort of intense stress becomes so overwhelming that it starts affecting you on a daily basis, even though the situation isn’t really threatening or dangerous

Anxiety can lead to many symptoms, including: 

  • Sweating or trembling
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Nervousness or restlessness
  • Strong sense of impending doom or panic
  • Avoiding activities or places you once enjoyed

When should you seek help for anxiety?

When ongoing anxiety impacts your ability to work and socialize or interferes with any aspect of your life, it’s no longer normal daily anxiety. In cases like this, when your anxiety persists without a triggering event and becomes an overwhelming fear, I can help you understand and treat your condition.

How is anxiety treated?

I work to personalize treatment based on your symptoms of anxiety. No matter how minor or severe your symptoms may seem, talking about them out loud with me in a nonjudgmental environment often helps to put them in perspective.  If you need help, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment.

I will work with you to customize a specific treatment plan for you, which can include: 

  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy)
  • Learning about what triggers your anxiety
  • Different classes of medications that can be useful in treating anxiety

I encourage you to journal your experiences. If you notice any symptoms, write down how you felt and what you were doing at the time. This information can help us pinpoint what’s triggering your anxiety.

If anxiety has started to take over your life, call or reach out online to book your appointment.